Living Hope Ministries
Who We Are

Board of Directors

Steve Moen - Executive Director:

Founder of Living Hope Ministries in 1993. I am married to Kelli and we have four children, Jonathan, Allison, Hannah and David as well as two cats, Oliver and Charlie. I enjoy spending time with my family. I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was seven years old and continue taking anti-seizure medication. I can be reached at smoen@livinghopempls.or or 612-501-8982

Dan Cayemberg - Secretary:

Board member and Construction Committee.
Project Manager at TWP Architects since 2005. Prior to that, Project Manager at AJP Architects, Architectural Design Partners, Bernard Herman Architects, and SEH dating back to 1987. 
Married to my wife Julie since 1983. I can be reached at 763-232-6096

Dave Comfort - Treasurer:

email: 651-261-3357